Collect Data


To link your NetSuite data with your layout, we use Datasets. One layout can include one or multiple datasets to bring in all the data that you need and want to present in the document. The dataset can be dynamically filtered based on your base record or other input parameters that you might want to use.

For example: You might want to create a Customer-based layout that displays information stored on the customer record (name, address etc.). Additionally you might want to include transaction history, a list of emails received by or sent to the customer as well as a pie graph displaying the 5 most purchased items for the last 12 months. By creating a layout with multiple datasets, this can be easily accomplished with Reporter.

Reporter currently supports 11 different dataset types. There are also some sub types for some of the types. For instance, the graph dataset includes 7 different graph types. There are also some preconfigured datasets that do not require a dataset record in the same way. To learn more about each dataset type and how they are being used, read each respective chapter.

(Saved Search)

(Saved Search)

JOINED SEARCH ** (Saved Search)

(Saved Search)

(Saved Search)

* Dataset type availble with bundle release 1.1.1 (2022-05-25) and onwards.
Dataset type available with bundle release 1.2.0 (2022-12-06) and onwards.

Dataset Quick Guide

  • Record: Used to define the base record of your layout. You can only define one dataset of this type per layout. The dataset makes all field on that record available. If you run your layout for a specific record (e.g. a specific customer) all other datasets can be dynamically filtered based on data from that record (e.g. the internal id of the customer).

  • Search: Create a saved search to retrieve and display data. Optimal if you want to include children record data for your base record for example. Field mapping is based on the field ids and not the custom labels.

  • Custom Label Search: Similar to Search but must contain custom labels. Used for special search-related dataset types, for example when you want to present matrix data or divide your data into parent/child.

  • Joined Search: Combine two or more saved searches into either a flat table structure or as parent/children structure. Overcomes the common limitation with saved searches of not being able to reach data further than one join away.

  • Graph: Add graphs in your layout based on NetSuite data and saved searches. For most graph types you can use multiple saved searches if needed.

  • Gantt: Add a gantt chart in your layout based on a saved search. Perfect for timeline visualization, for example for project-based layouts.

  • SuiteQL: Alternative to Search and Custom Label Search and can be used to fetch data using SQL queries. More advanced but is more advantageous in terms of performance.

  • Font: Used to upload your own custom font files in NetSuite and make them available in your layouts. Allows for better consistency with the company's graphic profile and style guide.

  • Image Folder: Fetch images directly from a folder in the file cabinet. Useful when you want to add background images, icons, company logo etc.

  • Translation: Add a Translation collection to your layout to handle translations.

  • Value: Add extra parameter / value fields that you can add to your layout. These fields become visible in the Order Printout Form when creating the PDFs from the layout.

  • Preconfigured: To allow easier access to some information we have preconfigured some datasets that can easily be activated / inactivated for each respective layout. The datasets are: "Company Information", "Current User", "Currency Symbol", "Features in Effect" and "Layout Builder".

Add a new Dataset

  1. Before creating a new dataset you need to decide the type that you want to add. If you want to add a Search, Custom Label Search or Graph you must start the process by creating the required search(es). Read the subsequent chapters for the dataset type you want to add for more details.

  2. In your Layout Builder record, open the subtab Dataset and click on the button to add a new dataset.

  3. A new dataset record will open and you will only see the following fields.

Type: Choose the dataset type you want to add.
Name: Enter the name of your dataset. The name must be unique for that layout and will be used when referencing the dataset in the code. The name cannot include any spaces or special characters sich as '-' and '+'.

After having selected the type, different fields are being displayed depending on the type chosen. Before saving the record, make sure to read each respective sub-chapter on how the configuration should be made for that specific type. Please also note that some of the dataset types, especially the ones based on NetSuite saved searches, share many similaries when it comes to configuration and what fields to populate on the dataset record.