
Purpose of Value fields

Value fields are a type of custom fields that you can create and add to a specific layout. Most often we use and reference records and fields that are already in your account but sometimes it can be useful to be able to add new ones that not necessarily needs to be added to your current setup of records and fields.

The most obvious usage of value fields is that they can be included in the Order Printout Form in the Layout Parameters section. These fields will allow the user to add custom content to the PDF before it is being saved, e.g. a custom message to a customer on an invoice.

The value fields are added using Reporter Dataset records and by selection the type Value. The field types below are all supported in the current version.

Available types:

- List/Record - Currency - Date
- Integer - Email Address - Free Form Text
- Long Text - Percent - Phone Number
- Rich text - Text Area
- Check Box - Decimal

Add Value fields to your Layout

When adding a new Value dataset you should always fill in the following fields:

  • Name: This will be the name of your field in the code editor. With the below example, this field would be referenced using ${custom_message}.

  • Field Type: The type of field. Please note that if you select List/Record you will also need to fill in the field Record Type.

  • Field Title: The label of the field in the Order Printout Form.

  • Sort Order: If you have more than one value field, set the order in which they should be displayed in the Order Printout Form.

  • Hide Value Field: If you want the field to be hidden from the Order Printout Form tick this check box on the dataset.

You can also add a default value (e.g. if you add a check box and you want it to be ticked by default) and set if the field should be mandatory to fill in our not before creating the PDF based on the layout. Please also note that the configuration of default values can also be made directly in workflow. Read more here in the section "Value fields (Layout Fields)".