Joined Search

Dataset type available with bundle release 1.2.0 and onwards.

One common challenge when working with NetSuite data and saved searches is that sometimes the data is stored "too far away" in the database and can therefore not be included in a single saved search. The possibility to join in fields from related records is usually restricted to only reach data one step/join away. For example: If I create a customer based search, I can retrieve information from related transactions (e.g. transaction dates, statuses, amounts and items) but if I want to include information from the Item on those transactions (e.g. inventory details) I cannot retrieve that information in the same search.

The Joined Search dataset typ allows you to combine multiple searches with the aid of the the dataset configuration. The results can then be printed in your PDF as a single table in the PDF (as if the data originated from a single search). This section aims to describe how to configure this dataset type and the different options.

Make sure to read chapter Dataset Filtering on how to dynamically filter your search/data.

Adding a new dataset

Start by creating your base saved search / your starting point. This search will define the minimum number of results / rows in your data table. Please also note that if a result is missing from this search but is being references in one of the linked searches, those joined lines will be omitted. In other words, this initial search should be considered as the master search for this dataset.

Apart from selecting the type you must also assign your dataset a name and select your saved search. Remember that the search must be marked as public.

As with Search and Custom Label Search datasets you can also filter your search.

The check box Include as children will be described in more depth further down on this page.

Adding sub search(es)