
The Reporter app includes several preconfigured templates which will help you to get started on your new layouts quicker and can be easily changed in the editor based on your wished design. Both basic templates (generally with header and footer sections only) and more advanced templates are included.

Company logo, header- and footer information is not hard-coded in any of the templates but can be easily changed to your own information by creating a new Macro Information record. Read more about the Macro Information record in the second section of this page.

Included Basic Templates

Below are the included basic templates. Template 1 and 2 includes different styling of the header and the footer section with an empty body. The third template includes some tables and headers in its body section. The content of these tables can easily be changed in the editor.

Basic Company Layout (1)

Basic Company Layout (2)

Basic Company Layout (Columns)

Macro Information

The MACRO INFORMATION record type is used as an integrated part of the included templates included with the Reporter app. These records have been designed to make it easy for you to overview and change the Header and Footer information included in your PDF Documents. Maybe you want to add a specific image as company logo or add some details in the footer such as your contact details.

Please note that this is an OPTIONAL method for working with your layouts. In the included templates we included a specific record from this table using a regular Search typed dataset. If you prefer to bring in the data from other records or using other dataset types that is totally up to you. We would however advice against hard-coding the information directly in the code even though it is doable.

The list of MACRO INFORMATION records can be found by navigating to Layouts > Build > Macro Information.

PLEASE NOTE that since these records are an integrated part of our templates, any changes that you make to the existing records included with the app will be overwritten the next time the app gets an upgrade. It is for that reason of utter importance that you male your own Macro Information record entries for your layouts. These will remain unchanged for future upgrades.

If you for example have started your new layout using the included "Basic Company Layout (1)" template, your dataset will automatically include a "MacroInfo" reference with its Filter Value set to "Basic Layout Template" (see to the far right in the below image).

If you want to use your own Macro Information record in your layout, make sure to replace that filter value with the Name of your record entry. To edit the record, click on the Edit hyperlink to the left, change the value in the field Filter Value and click on save. The next time you preview your PDF, it will use your record instead.