
Layouts allows you to use translation collections created using NetSuite's own Manage Translations capability. To create your own translation collection, go the NetSuite Help Center for more information.

To link the translation collection to your layout create a Reporter Dataset record with the Type set to "Translation" and enter the script ID of your created collection.

To find the script ID of the collection you want to include, navigate to Customization > Translations > Manage Translations. Please note that the collection used in this example is the collection used to translate the Reporter app. If you want to add your own custom translations to use in your templates, make sure to create a new translation collection and assign your own collection script ID.

In the Context Menu you can access your added translation collection via the Components menu. Place the cursor in the editor where you want to insert your translation. Right-click to open up the context menu.

The list will be empty when you open up the library which means that you must start by searching for the value for it to show. Thus, it is important how you name you translated strings in your collection. To insert the tag, simply double-click on the tag and it will automatically be inserted.

When rendering the PDF the translation tags you insert will be translated before the PDF file is created. If you use the tag as is the translation applied will be based on your language setting under Set preferences.

You can however set a specific language by adding the locale for the language (e.g. en_US) at the end of the tag (see examples in image above).

When working with the translations in Reporter make sure that you have added translations for all strings in all languages used. If you set a specific locale that language must also be enabled in your account.