
If you want to use SuiteQL instead of saved searches to collect your data, you can use the SuiteQL dataset type. Unlike the saved search -based dataset types this dataset type does not require any setup or configuration. However, you need to know the SuiteQL syntax in order to form your query.

Write your query and paste it in the SQL field as shown below.

Think of the following:

  • If you want to use your own naming for each column ("id" instead of "Customer.EntityID" for example), make sure to enter the name in lower case and without special characters. If upper case letters are used, Reporter will automatically change those to lower case when running the query and returning its result.

  • Read more about the SQL Post Process Function field and how it operates.

As with all other dataset types, you can preview your query result directly in the editor using the Visualize Data feature.

To print the result of your query, go to the editor and place the cursor on the row where you want to insert the result.

Right-click to open up the context menu and under Components fins your dataset (referenced by name) and double-click on the Dynamic Table option. A HTML-formatted table is inserted in the code with references and necessary elements to print the results.

Make sure to read chapter Dataset Filtering on how to dynamically filter your query/data.

SQL Post Process Function

If you are familiar with javascript and want to process and rework the query result in some way before it gets sent to the editor, you can use this field to insert your function.

In the below example we add the string " (Add something to the name)".

There are of course endless of possibilities in what you can do with the help of this field. The usage of this feature does require some deeper technical knowledge though.