Multi search graphs

Create dataset for multi search graph

1. In the Layout Builder navigate to the subtab Dataset and click on new dataset.
On the dataset record, start by selecting GRAPH in the Type field. The form will now only display the fields applicable for this type.
3. Assign your dataset a name. This name will be referenced in the editor when you insert this graph.
4. In the field Graph Type, select the graph type you want to add. All multi search graphs have the "( MultiSearch )" suffix.
5. If you want to use a specific color set you can set that here as well.
6. Save.

7. When the dataset record has been saved you get the option to add GRAPH SEARCH record for each saved search you have created and that you want to include in your graph, you need to create one Graph search record.
8. Click on the New Graph Search button and proceed to the next step.

8. Fill in the information on the Graph search record.

  • Sort Order: Set the order in which the searches should be displayed in the graph. Numbering must be unique for each search. 0 is often used for the first search.

  • Name: This name will be referenced in the editor and must be unique for each search and not contain any spaces or special characters.

  • Use Filter Expression: If you want to filter the search you can tick this check box if you want to add a filter expression instead of using the below filtering fields.

  • Filter Field, Filter Operator and Filter Value: If you want to filter your search, fill in the field, operator and value to use when running the search for the graph. Read more about filtering options here.

  • Saved Search: Add your saved search. Remember that the search must be marked as public for it to show in the list.

  • Title:

    • For datacurve (x+y): This will be the name of the datacurve generated by the string:

    • For tower bar, depth bar and multi bar graphs: This value will be added as the "name2" parameter in your graph. Read more about this in chapter Name+Name2+Value graphs.

  • Default Value for missing points: For example if your line graph uses dates on the x-axis and one of your searches is missing a value for a date that is included in the other search(es), the value entered here will be entered for the search missing data.

  • Max search result: If you want to limit your search result to a fixed number of results you can enter a number here.

9. Save. Repeat for each search. Make sure to set the new Sort Order, Name and Title for each search to keep them unique and separated.

10. Once you have added all your searches you will be able to find them in the Graph search sublist on your dataset record.
11. Proceed with reading chapter Add graph in layout on how to insert the graph in your layout as well as updating its attributes.